Thursday, November 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by R80o.
for those who are bored to death in Dubai...and suffer from heatstroke..stay indoor and stop whinging...keep yourself amused. If you looking like a dalmatian with your 101 spots (chicken pox)..your loyal friends will desert u for a while. What to do?
Well, you can start a blog and bitch about your boss, colleagues and how horrible Dubai is...OR pick up a few games that u can play by yourself...forget about Monopoly..especially if u are not good at it and hate losing..will definitely makes u more miserable. A strong dose of medicine in the form of Sudoku will ends all for u..I mean.. either u get hopelessly addicted to it or your brain damage is so severed after a game or two..the doctor pronounced u need permanent rest for the rest of your life!Don't be deceived by the tagline:" Fill in the grid so that every row,
every column, and every 3x3 box
contains the digits 1 through 9. "'s not as easy as ABC. Check it out at your own risk:


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