Friday, November 04, 2005

Peace to Ethiopia

The 1st ethiopian i encountered..was happily driving his taxi in Dubai...hope to save enuff and return home to Ethiopia.I was foolish to ask him about the legendary biblical ark of covenant..he laughed off his head and said "yes" could be somewhere in a very old church.I know they are good class marathon runners.And do u know the Ethiopian Calendar also known as the Julian Calendar ( good for your ego if u want to stay young? To be exact, if you are over there are 7 years younger! (It's 1998 ethiopian dating)
At least 33 more people died for the past 2 days of protests by the Opposition against the May 2005 election. Accrding to EU's assessment, the election failed to meet international standards.(
Question is: Where is President Bush and his willing coalition? they never hesitated in the case of set the people free in the name of to speak.


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