Saturday, September 09, 2006

International MisFired

The last IMF/World Bank Conference was hosted by Dubai...yes 2003. Not surprisingly...there was ABSOLUTELY NO public demonstrations at all. The activists would have died of heat stroke! Anyway, the authorities actually erected an air con tent for those who wanted to beat their chests and cry out loud. NO ONE used it. I thought the ranting expats would have seize the occasion to complain about the traffic, weather...etc
16,000 delegates will arrive on the shore of our little country Singapore...tomorrow 10 September 2006 for a 10 days NON event. Like Dubai, a designated indoor (out of bound to the locals)hall has been designated for the traditional demonstrations by civil groups.It's really a no brainer why Singapore was chosen...public demonstrations are prohibited and press freedom are restricted so that the delegates can enjoy their free holiday without any hassle. Issues discussed will be mere lip service.
Apparently, it was reported a young activist arrived earlier..and she put herself in a tiny chicken cage in front of a KFC joint...protesting against cruelty to animals. She was clothed only in a tiny yellow bikini! Subsequently she was given the boot...escorted out of the country!

I pray for more of such hilarious moments...during the 10 days NON event.

Source of picture:


Blogger Cergie said...

Happily, you are always able to laugh.
I don't understand all, just I understand that it is difficult to exprim opinion for the minority.

The blog was so changeless ! I was a bit anxious, you're so often explaining to us how Dubai may be dangerous, I was wondering where my frail kitten may be hidden all the time I had no news of her !

PS: What Balushi is he meaning with: "you don't have a boyfriend' ?

12:08 AM

Blogger halfmanhalfbeer said...

BF: ah-ha, you are alive, it was very quiet on here for a few days. I am quite sure that it is no co-incidence that the IMF chooses places like Dubai and Singapore, it must be nice for them to go to places where there aren't any screaming loonies throwing things at them!


10:01 AM

Blogger black feline said...

baluchi...what a dumb question! anyway that's expected from
Cergie...u have to understand the juvenile Baluchi...he's pretty notorious in Dubai..the last time he had a sex change...he actually changed his blog to "JANET"...and now he's back as himself..gender confusion there..i told him many times...Im just a cat...with no beginning...he just don't get it...he's mad...otherwise he's harmless....what a contradiction..hahahahahah...

10:04 AM

Blogger junebee said...

Ooh, they're pretty tricky selecting Singapore for the IMF meeting.

4:44 AM

Blogger San Nakji said...

Iraq next time?

10:00 AM

Blogger Cergie said...

I would like to have a dumb reader, ehehe !
But on one condition: he'ld be living in true life far from Cergy (and he'ld not have the possibility to obtain a visa)

1:31 PM

Blogger black feline said...

baluchi....what a silly question!
cergie...baluchi is mad...
beery..u are probably's a no's calculated move! round will be Qatar, i suspect... bet is Qatar..

8:53 AM


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