Ayaan Hirsi Ali...The Enigma

Love her or loathe her....she is her own woman...or is she?
"Somali-born Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, known for her outspoken criticism of conservative Islam, is leaving politics and the Netherlands amid a row over her citizenship..."
"Hirsi Ali's controversial film Submission famously led to the brutal murder by a Moroccan immigrant extremist of Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker who helped her to produce it. That gruesome event shot her to international fame. She subsequently received numerous death threats which ever since have forced her to live a semi-clandestine life with 24-hour police protection."
In her own words ...
On immigration: 'I am not against migration. It is pragmatic to restrict migration, while encouraging integration and fighting discrimination.'
On religion: 'I do not believe in God, angels and the hereafter.'
On 9/11: Referring to hijacker Mohammed Atta's letter to his accomplices telling them to pray for martyrdom, she said: 'If I were a male under the same circumstances, I could have been there. It was exactly what I used to believe.'
On Islam: 'When a Life of Brian comes out with Muhammad in the lead role, directed by an Arab equivalent of van Gogh, it will be a huge step.'
On the lessons she learned from an Iranian-trained Shia fundamentalist: 'I had never seen an Israeli, but we hated them because it was "Muslim" to hate them.'
On herself: 'I have no real social life. It's like having a body with no bottom [a Somali expression]... who on earth can I saddle with a relationship? It's not off limits, and technically it can all happen. But is it, as we say in Dutch, verstandig? Sensible? It doesn't seem sensible now.'
I admire her for the courage to do and say what she wants....it's her choice afterall. I admire her even more for the courage to live up to it...probably for the rest of her life. But frankly...I don't really know her agenda...fight against discrimination? for the poor? for women..muslim women? for equality? or is she trying to exorcise the demons of life within herself?
She is leaving for America....with her "baggages".