The camels are weeping...

April 25 (Reuters) - Bombers struck Egypt's Red Sea resort of Dahab on Monday, killing at least 23 people, including three foreigners, in three nearly simultaneous explosions.
"Im fine...anyway Im in Cairo..quite a distance from the resort." she replied nonchalantly from the other end of the line. Sophie, a long time ally :)is one of those who like to disappear without a trace. She called 3 mths ago to announce in a low key manner that she has decided to relocate to Egypt with her boyfriend. Not that i care. Anyway, i thought it was rather abrupt unlike her. I know she favors Europe all this while..strange decision.Is she running from something?
"Listen Sophie..what car rental, cybercafe...and looking for workers..I do not understand your email..."
"It's very simple..anyone who wants to start a business me ok?'s expensive to talk..i have to hang up now..ciao!"
Modern single women are very bold nowadays..i salute the sisters but at the same time, I fear for their well-being.
In Dubai...I have met many young ladies from China and Philippines..came here on their own accord...leaving their loved ones at seek a better future. Mostly on social passes...with limited finances...started hunting for all sort of jobs..door to door...etc Some even landed in the skin trade. And with all these is so perilous.
Sophie..i wonder whether in the still of the night..far away from home..alone.. u ever shed a tear? If u have a friend like her...what will u do?