Campbell in hot soup....again!

I love Tom Yam Kai...Thai Sour and Spicy Chicken Soup! No canned soup for me..all ingredients MUST be fresh!
"The cook was hired to prepare a romantic dinner for two for Campbell and her millionaire boyfriend, Dubai prince Badr Jafar, on his boat docked on the Tuscan coast. However, the model was clearly not pleased with the chef’s choice of a starter of tomato, ham, and mozzarella with a local white wine.
Witnesses claim Campbell screamed at the chef and that they could hear the sound of plates being broken and that she only calmed down after Jafar stepped in."
I think the lady is mad! I suggest she adds the word "ANGER" to her name: Ms Naomi Anger Campbell...more for the safety of those who have the misfortune of serving least they are forewarned!
My late father was easily irritated. Many years ago..i still remember to this day..during a slight argument, he literally smashed a metal was badly dented and one of the heavy duty hinges came off....i walked away.
Last year, one of the a fit of anger over some trivial matters...actually ripped off the entire telephone and smashed it to the floor....the sponsor looked at me...and both of us simply walked away.
Anger is such a destructive emotion..
By the way...if you were the chef then...what utensil would u used to defend yourself? a carving knife, a pot, a chopping board, an axe...etc?
How do u manage anger?..yours or otherwise.Do share :)