Masala Dubai Part 02

The truth be told...I rarely touch indian foods..except for the occasional Tandoori Chicken, Naan and Lassi...the rest is out of bound. Just don't know how to enjoy..maybe it's the spices."How would u survive in Dubai?" friends asked. I replied: "It's a bliss...lots of salads, fruits, juices, chicken and fish !" Anyway, Dubai is so's not just indian foods..:)
Anyway, indians are really funny people...
Ringggggggggggggggggggg.....I picked up the phone...and before i could say anything...from the other end: "Yes, tell me!"
"Tell u what? u are the one who's calling me!" I was really fuming. It's the same....always. My indian friends have no idea..."It's just a normal reaction!" they laughed.
Any masala tales to share? Nothing racist pls!