June 26th is the date that the United Nations has marked as the International Day in Support of Survivors and Victims of Torture">
As an and I can make a conscious effort to denounce such barbaric acts!...this day, spare a thought for the victims wherever u are. We must remember.."Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" said George Santayana. Torture in any forms...physical or oral must not be tolerated in this 21st century!In your own little circle...respect one another..regardless of race or religion...etc Let's work together to bring a better tomorrow for mankind!
At around 9 p.m. on September 1, 2003, several policemen from the Public Security Bureau in Fushun City, Liaoning Province broke into the home of Ms. Luo Jingyu in Qiandian Village, Shuncheng District. They arrested Ms. Luo and her three-year-old daughter, Chi Xing, and took them to the local forced brainwashing center.
The staff at the brainwashing center told her family, "They are all right in the class and they will be released as long as she writes a 'pledge' to renounce Falun Gong.” In ordered to force the practitioners to renounce their belief, the authorities tortured them. Three-year-old Chi Xing witnessed practitioners’ bodies covered with electric baton welts and bruises. She was forced to listen to the policemen shouting, and to the painful moaning of practitioners being tortured. She has been suffering from severe mental trauma ever since....">
Do your part bloggers...spread the news!
Inspired by her royal highness...queen tainted :)
Bloggers Against Torture