Festival City....

"Yes...Camel. Please do be careful what u are putting into your mouth!"
Just my luck...this morning (in fact almost closed to 12pm) on the highway along Sharjah...spotted 3 hungry camels came out from nowhere making their way to a provision shop. A few boxes filled with discarded vegetables lying near the entrance.( I must warn them to be careful...not the habitants of the shop but the poor creatures of the desert.)
Last Thursday, it was reported that on average, Dubai residents throw away more than a tonne each of waste every year, one of the highest per capital anywhere in the world.
According to Dr. Ulrich Wernery, a 20 year UAE resident and founder of the Emirates Environmental Group, many domestic and wild animals (camels, donkeys..etc) have died from eating plastic bottles, food wrappings jettisoned by a careless public into makeshift dumps or along quiet stretches of highway.
source: www.xpress4me.com
Yes...it's now a reality! The Time Residences is the one and only revolving apartment in the world...and apparently the brilliant people behind this idea is going to franchise the concept worldwide.
"Time residences is a building like no other on the planet. Outlined to be a “Timeless and precious” masterpiece development.The whole 70-80,000 ton monumental building is designed to turn with the power of the sun. Awake one day to see panoramic lake views and another day to see beautiful landscapes and the worlds biggest shopping mall.The turning motion is to provide “Never Ending Views”, gifted to mankind by the power of nature This Building offers a “New Dimension to Living” , views appear at a pace to gradual to be felt on the consciousness and set in time. Everyday the building accurately moves 51.43 degrees, or 0.63metres in one hour.The time line that runs down the building locks into 12 o'clock noon markings on the podium and ground. Making this the most expensive Time piece in the world."
source: http://www.timeresidences.com/rotating.htm
"Has anybody laughed at you yet?" asked the hostess (dead panned tone) on the Breakfast Show this morning (FM103.8, Dubai Eye) I almost fell off my chair....what a fxxking question! lol
"...it takes only the power of 20 toasters (I think i heard correctly) to turn the 80,000 ton building..." Wow! Solar energy...to be exact.