For The President

This morning, I braved the heat to do some field reportings on the latest development of the modern day "Tower of Babel" in Dubai....just for you...our dear President. ( Only one word though..AWESOME! (and take a good look at the Metro taking shape near the main road)

Burj Dubai, being developed by Emaar Properties, is now taller than Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which at 508 metres had been the tallest building in the world since it opened in 2004. Burj Dubai has now reached 141 levels - more storeys than any other building in the world.
On schedule for completion in 2008, Burj Dubai will be the tallest structure in the world in all four criteria listed by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. The council measures height to the structural top, the highest occupied floor, to the top of the roof, and to the tip of the spire, pinnacle, antenna, mast or flag pole.